If the house you live in is in the vicinity of a well but you are not getting any water in your faucets, it could be a dead well. It’s not easy to fix the problem of a water well that is not working, which is why it’s essential to engage a professional. Continue reading to find out how a water service can help you fix a broken well.
The water well service checks that the power is in place and that the switch has been activated. They’ll also ensure that the breaker isn’t tripped, in the event that the breaker has been tripped, it could be the sign of a malfunctioning pump.
The water company will inspect the switch for pressure. This is the most common reason behind a water well failing. To check whether the valve is working, water service takes off the cap with a large amount of electric. Then, they turn off the power and then tap the tube to check for sparks. If there are sparks, it is a sign that the switch is rusted and will need to be changed.
A majority of wells that fail to function indicate issues that can cause problems before they become a problem. Water well services can be very helpful in finding problems prior to they escalate to a more serious. To know more about it, look over the video below!