Creating Free Infographics for Your Website

Did you know that many businesses are starting to advertise and market their products using infographics? Infographics are visual representations of data that help to convey complex information in a simple and easy to understand manner. They are an example of data visualization, which is a powerful communication form since humans naturally see patterns and trends in visually presented information.

Businesses often make infographics to be used with social media. Social media is an important aspect of online marketing, and part of its appeal is that, not only is it free to participate in, but if you can create interesting ads, people will often forward them for you. Most social networking sites make this even easier because of their preference for promoting visual posts, which are more eye catching and generally encourage more user interaction than text posts.

For individuals interested in free infographics, there are a number of free infographics creators online. There are some things you should keep in mind, however, since being able to make a free infographic does not mean it will necessarily be appealing.

Keep your infographic simple, and to the point. If you need to explain everything you put in the image with text, you are undermining the entire point of the free infographic, which is to visually represent text with an insightful image, not the other way around.

Many businesses write articles and then craft free infographics around their articles. If you find yourself at a dead end with this, use marketing data to create your infographic. People love learning the statistics of who is buying or clicking on what. Put up two pie graphs comparing who visits which items on your site compared to what they actually pie, and many people will already be intrigued into checking out your site to see for themselves.