Create Stunning Presentation With Free Infrographics

Depending on the source one consults, between 60 and 65 percent of Americans are visual learners. While every person learns through a combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic stimuli, as a whole, humans tend to retain information better via visual representation.

Despite evidence that clearly shows that people are first and foremost visual learners, it seems that most public speakers, teachers, and other professionals give little credence to this fact. Instead, they will go on talking well beyond the typical 20 minute auditory attention span; and in doing so, they risk more than half of what they say going in one ear, and right out the other.

Sure, for some people, such as politicians, speaking for long periods without any visual aid can be an advantage, because it would be more difficult for them to rely on ambiguities. Could you imagine how helpful it would be to the public if political candidates were required to use infographics creators to show exactly how their healthcare plans and job stimulation programs would actually work?

Of course, this would create huge problems for politicians, because online infographics creators are designed for presenting clear and concise facts in easy to understand diagrams. As such, infographic creators leave little to no room to make broad generalizations, sweeping fairy tale promises, half truths, and rhetoric. Furthermore, since their “facts” would appear on paper, they could be picked apart and critiqued on every level. Yes, this would be very dangerous to politicians, everywhere!

While the above scenario is nothing more than a pipe dream, free infographics tools are ideal for executives, educators, marketers, and other professionals who are charged with clearly presenting complex data visualization. The most popular infographic creators are free, and can be used by anyone with a Facebook or Twitter account.

The features of most online infographic creators are so simple and user friendly, that you can begin to make infographics within five minutes of signing in. By simply hitting “create,” you are able to select from several different infographic styles and charts. Among these choices are the standard pie charts, line graphs, and bar graphs; but you can also choose from several other cool chart designs, such as scatter charts, bubble charts, gauge charts, and even pictorial charts. You simply select the style that best suits your purpose and audience, begin inputting your data.

Whether you are marketing professional who frequently gives presentations, or a teacher looking to better engage your students, free infographics creators could be ideal for you. Therefore, if you really want to make an impact, keep the attention of your audience, and, perhaps, receive kudos from your boss, infographics are the way to go.